Sunday Study: March 30th - May 14th
Conference Room
(No study groups on April 20th and May 4th)
Thank you for signing up for Women of the Word - Bible Basics Sunday Study
March 30th - May 14th
Fellowship Room, $10 for book
(No study groups on April 20th and May 4th)
Thank you for signing up for Psalms Real Help for Real Life
March 30th - May 14th
Fellowship Room, $10 for book
(No study groups on April 20th and May 4th)
Thank you for signing up for the Men's Sunday Study. We will be studying the book, Your Story Has A Villain by Jonathan Pokluda.
Saturday, April 12th
Various Locations in Hostess' Homes
Thank you for signing for our Spring Tea on Saturday, April 12th. You will be contacted by the hostess of your gathering as the date gets closer. Enjoy!
Sunday, April 13th
Fellowship Room
Thank you for signing up for the New Member's Class on Sunday, April 13th at 10:30am.
If you are interested in getting baptized at Hannaford, April 20th, complete the form to get started and one of our Pastors will reach out to you!
To learn more about what Baptism means at Hannaford, click here to visit our page and see how to write your testimony.
If you have additional questions, call the church office at 406-449-2273.
VBS Volunteer Training
Sunday, June 8th
1:30pm, Fellowship Room
Vacation Bible School, June 16th to 20th
Thank you for volunteering to join a team during our Hannaford's Vacation Bible School, June 16-20th. We are thankful for your willingness to pitch in and help the kids learn to trust Jesus in a wild world!
Please, plan to attend the Volunteer Training on Sunday, June 8th at 1:30pm in the Fellowship Room.
Sunday Schedule
Worship Services
9:00 AM & 10:30 AM
Hannaford Kids
Sunday School & Nursery
Available during both services
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