Hannaford Youth

Hannaford Youth's mission is to connect students to God and each other. Our goal is to provide a safe and welcoming environment for students to find a community that supports them as they ask the hard questions facing this generation and learn to apply the truth found in God's Word to their lives and the world around them. 

New to Youth Group?

Youth Group is a great opportunity to connect with other students as well as leaders to learn more about God's Word.

We strive to make Youth Group a welcoming environment where kids are free to come and be themselves. It is a lot of fun and we encourage anyone from 6th grade to 12th grade to attend.

During the weekly meetings we will have a time for icebreakers, worship, games, as well as an applicable lesson for the age that is attending. We hope to see you there!

Weekly Gatherings

Junior High Youth Group

Tuesdays, 6:30 - 8:00 PM

High School Youth Group 

Wednesday's 6:30 – 8:00 PM

Come for fun, games, worship, & Bible Study! 

We can’t wait to see you!

Click HERE to see our weekly schedule!!

Hannaford Youth Group Texting

Don't always check your email in time? Join our Hannaford Youth Texting to get updates on what is going on in youth as well as be informed on any last minute changes or cancellations!

Any questions feel free to reach out to Ben Tollakson at btollakson@hannaford.org

Jr High Youth Group Texting

Updates and information, just text "JHYouth" to 406-641-5035.

Sr. High Hannaford Texting

Updates and information, just text "HSYouth" to 406-641-5035.


We promise to only send you the good stuff. No spam.


Text JHYouth to 406-641-5035

to opt in to our Junior High Text Group.

Text HSYouth to 406-641-5035 to opt in to our High School Text Group.

We are so excited for this year of Youth Group at Hannaford and look forward to all that God has in store for us. Here at Hannaford, we want to be your partner in creating a space where our students can find comfort and rest during these times. As we prepare for this year, we want to tell you a little bit about what’s coming up!

Pastor Ben Tollakson started volunteering in youth ministry at Hannaford in the fall of 2015, and then started working as an intern in the summer of 2019. He eventually became Hannaford’s full-time Youth Director in the fall of 2021 and was ordained in September of 2024. His focus for youth ministry is to reach out and walk alongside the youth in the community as they are developing and growing in their understanding of who God is and what He has done for them in their lives. He wants to meet the students where they are and to help them build a solid relationship with Jesus Christ in their everyday lives. It is important to him to support the individuals in his youth program as they ask the hard questions facing this generation and to teach them to apply the truth found in God’s Word to their lives as they answer those questions.

Ben has been married to his wife Caitlyn since 2018, and are happily parenting children and foster children. 

Ben Tollakson, Youth Pastor



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