About John

John Fenlason has served at Hannaford since 1991. He began as the Youth Pastor, then became Associate Pastor, and has served as Hannaford’s Senior Pastor since 2017. He earned his bachelor’s degree in Pastoral Ministry from Liberty University and then earned a Master of Divinity from Trinity Theological Seminary. John believes his job as a pastor is to equip the people of Hannaford for the work of the ministry through the teaching of the Word of God (Ephesians 4:11-13), to walk in integrity, and to faithfully lead by example. John says, “It has been an honor to serve God with this committed church family for these many years. It is my prayer that God will continue to use Hannaford to further His kingdom in the Helena area and around the world until Jesus returns.”  

John has been married to his wife Irene since 1991 (two weeks before he started working at Hannaford!) Together they have four adult children who all reside in Montana, and have recently become grandparents, a role they have enjoyed immensely. John and Irene love living in Montana—and feel it truly is “the last, best place.”

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