Read Matthew 5:20-30
Often, we strive to impress others while not checking our thoughts. Jesus reminds us that anger and lust are wrong. The religious leaders worked diligently to look good, but were not as concerned about being good. Jesus compared them to whitewashed tombs, looking good on the outside, but not changed on the inside.
In this weeks’ passage, we are challenged to get rid of anger and lust that control us. Anger can control our thoughts and will lead to malice and contempt. Lust controls our thoughts and is adultery in our heart.
We need to clean up the inside rather than just attempting to look good on the outside. As David said in Psalm 51:10, we must ask God to create a clean heart in us. Jesus warns in Matthew 15:16-21 that what is in our heart will be exposed. Allow God to work in your heart and let’s honor God from the inside out.
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